Tips and Tricks for European Roulette

Women, Roulette, Light bulb, Casino

European roulette is one of the most popular versions of the beloved game. It’s available in both online and offline casinos pretty much everywhere. The house has the upper hand in all cases, but that doesn’t mean you can’t improve your chances to win.

If you’re new to the game, you should study it and learn how to play European roulette. When you take the time to understand the game, you’ll discover all the different ways you boost your returns.

I share my favorite European roulette tricks and tips in this post. They can improve your experience and enhance your probability to take something home.

Stick to Even Money Bets

Even money bets are favorable for European roulette players because they pay out the same amount of money that you initially wager. When you place a bet worth $50, you’ll earn a $50 profit when you win ($100 total).

Even money bets include the following:

  • Red/Black
  • Odd/Even
  • High/Low

Veteran roulette players know that even money bets have low volatility. You will be on the winning side often enough to enjoy the game and give yourself a chance to make some cash. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have a 50/50 chance of winning because the zero plays against you.

Even money bets are prominent in the Martingale system for roulette betting. You can still cover a decent part of the table without having to hedge your bets too significantly. I provide more info on this strategy for European roulette and its main drawbacks later on.

Accept the Fact You’re Behind

With European roulette, the casinos always have an advantage over you no matter your strategy or skill level. It’s better to come to terms with the fact that you are at a disadvantage in the long term – there’s simply no way to overcome house edge completely.

House edge is how in-person and online casinos turn a profit, and it’s the main reason why they remain in business. Understanding the risks involved will make the experience more palatable – it helps you understand that losing is inevitable sometimes.

Don’t Overcommit to Martingale

As part of my tricks and tips for European roulette, I also want to discuss the Martingale system that I mentioned earlier. It’s an extremely popular gambling strategy for veteran roulette players – it’s where you increase your bets after a loss to recover your money and register a profit.

The Martingale system also requires you to keep your sessions short and determine a clear profit target. Remember, casinos have their limits when it comes to online European roulette – you don’t want to suffer a bad losing streak.

Gambler’s fallacy is also a real threat to your experience. Imagine that you’re playing European roulette online, and four reds appear in a row. Most people will be willing to bet on black. However, there’s no greater chance that the next roll will land on black.

The probabilities remain the same because the wheel has no memory! Remember that and stay disciplined if you want to try Martingale.

Once you hit your target profit, go ahead and end your session. Strictness and discipline will ultimately ensure that you’re making money and having a good time when gambling. It’s always important to play in short sessions.

Switch to Better Versions of Roulette If Possible

The house edge in roulette usually depends on the number of zeros on the board. European roulette includes only one, so it’s better than American roulette and some other variations. That doesn’t mean it’s the best version available.

When playing online European roulette, you’ll quickly learn there are better options on the internet. I advise that you explore the different rule sets available to you. You’ll soon discover that certain versions offer you more favorable European roulette odds.

One example is zero edge roulette online, a variation that’s certainly popular among veteran players. It removes the green zero from the board, which makes the game more equitable. It ensures that even bets, such as black/red and odd/even, are more favorable for players.

I also want to discuss French Roulette, which has a rule in place that reduces house edge significantly when you make certain bets. For example, even money bets will lower house edge to 1.35%. This is one of the best advantages that players can have.

You should also avoid American roulette because you’ll likely lose more money playing it over time. The American version has a double zero slot, which drastically alters house edge and reduces your win probability.

We have a post on the best versions of roulette if you want more help.

Practice Makes Perfect

Make sure you’re studying European roulette and playing the game before you begin wagering with real money. This way, you can establish a winning strategy and implement it when you’re ready.

Similar to other popular casino games, you’ll only know how to bet in certain situations when you encounter them. Ultimately, having experience on your side can help improve your overall strategy.

Use Online Casino Bonuses When You Play

After learning all the tips and tricks of European roulette, you can now begin putting your skills to the test. I advise that you explore the best online casinos for roulette and determine the best available options.

You can also take advantage of various ding-up bonuses and promotions. This ensures that you can play European roulette games with a little extra money to try and reduce house edge.

Petko Stoyanov
Get in touch with Petko
About Petko Stoyanov
My name is Petko Stoyanov, and I've been a gambling writer for more than ten years. I guess that was the natural path for me since I've loved soccer and card games for as long as I can remember! I have a long and fairly successful history with English Premier League betting and online poker, but I follow many other sports. I watch all big European soccer leagues, basketball, football, and tennis regularly, and I keep an eye on snooker, volleyball, and major UFC events.